
Phase 2-1: Workshop by Suzanne Oxenaar

A lecture by Ms. Suzanne Oxenaar was organised on the 2nd November.
Ms. Oxenaar began her lecture with the Lloyd Hotel & Cultural Embassy, which she founded and acted as an artistic director. 
112日のレクチャーはスザンヌ・オクセナーさんによって行われました。レクチャーのスタートはオクセナーさんが創始者・アートディレクターとして関わられたLloyd Hotel & Cultural Embassyのケーススタディのお話しから。

The Lloyd Hotel is located on the waterfront of the port of Amsterdam. It was originally built to accommodate and conduct health checks of emigrants heading to South America. After the owner of the building Royal Dutch Lloyd was bankrupted in 1935, it was used to detain prisoners from the resistance movement against Germany during the Second World War. When the war was over, it was used as a general prison, and thereafter as a juvenile prison. 
It was once a closed and gloomy space, but in the 1990’s it was completely changed into an open space, as artists started to use the building for studios. Then in 2004, Ms. Oxenaar transformed it into the Lloyd Hotel & Cultural Embassy, a new type of building functioning as a hotel as well as a cultural embassy. The hotel aimed to be a promotional site for Dutch cultural value and its spirit. 

アムステルダム港の波止場に位置するロイドホテル。もともとは南米に向かう移民の健康診断・宿泊場として建設さ れました。1935年に建物の所有主であるロイド社が倒産した後は、第二次世界大戦中は対独抵抗運動により捕らえられた人々を収容する場所として使用され、終戦後は一般の刑務所として、またさらにその後には少年院として使用されました。

それまで陰鬱で閉塞的な空間だったその建物で すが、90年代に入ってからはアーティストのスタジオスペースとして利用されるようになり、一転して開放的な雰囲気を持った空間へと生まれ変わっていきま す。そして2004年、スザンヌ・オクセナーさんたちによってオランダの文化的精神・文化的価値への影響に寄与する場所として、「ホテル」であり、また 「文化大使館」であるという、まったく新しいタイプの建物Lloyd Hotel & Cultural Embassyが生まれました。

Ms. Oxenaar´s most important consideration when reconstructing the building as a hotel was to untie it from its dark history. Instead of overwriting its dark past, she creatively and playfully embedded the historical context into the interior designs. An open ceiling space was constructed at the center of the building, which created an open atmosphere. 
The hotel was decorated with contemporary design and art pieces, and a number of art events were organised at their spacious public space as well as in the guest rooms. Amongst the many artworks displayed in the hotel is a permanent installation by the Amsterdam based artist Atsuko Watanabe. 
The hotel adopted a unique style with one to five-star guest rooms co-existing throughout the building. A long bed for eight people and a grand piano, a loft room with a bath tub and a swing hanging in the center, a room that purposely place bathroom and toilet at its center… The space is filled with wide range of design items selected with a very playful Dutch taste, art events are organised regularly. Ms. Oxenaar created a place that is more than a hotel, where one can have experiences of time and space that differ a completely from everyday life. 


建物の中央部分を吹き抜けにすることで明るく開放的な空間を作り出し、たくさんのデザイン・現代アートがそこかしこにちりばめられ、巨大な公共スペースや各 個室を利用してさまざまなアートイベントが奨励されました。ホテル内では作品展示も行われ、アムステルダム在住の作家、渡部睦子さんによるインスタレー ションも常設してあります。 

一つ星から五つ星の客室が一つのホテルに混在するという他に類をみないスタイル、8人用の長いベッドとグランドピアノ、バスタブとブランコを中 心に置いた天井裏、あえて部屋の中心に置かれた浴室とトイレ。オランダらしい多彩で遊び心あふれるデザインで埋め尽くされ、さまざまなアートイベントが 開催されるこの空間。オクセナーさんは普段の生活とはまったく違う時間や空間とつながることのできる「ホテルを超えた場所」をつくりあげました。

After seeing a Japanese love hotel a long time ago, she was attracted to its system and interiors. It inspired her to make the LLOVE project in 2010 at Daikanyama, merging the LOVE from love hotel and with the L from Lloyd. 
The project aimed to develop a new type of guest room by Japanese and Dutch artists and designers. It attracted a lot of attention, as the unique and attractive guest rooms were not only there as a display, but welcomed people to stay over, functioning as a participatory installations. 



In 2011, Hotel The Exchange started with an aim to revitalise the local area, by being a cultural hub. Ms.Oxenaar and her colleagues replaced a red carpet, luxury hotel trademark, with a contemporary piece, and reimagined the hotel as a completely new space. The new carpet measured a total of 1000 meters, while each guest room was dressed up as if they were “fashion models”. Fashion students were invited to integrate their creative ideas with the space, as if making accessories, using experimental dressmaking techniques. 
The city of Amsterdam put their trust fully in Ms. Oxenaar´s abilities, and the unique hotel was made with a staggering construction costs. 

議会からのオファーによって2011年にスタートしたホテル「the exchange」は、アムステルダムという都市全体を一つのホテルによって変えるためのプロジェクトです。2011年にスタートしたホテル「the exchange」は、文化の発信地となることで地域の雰囲気を変える狙いがあります。オクセナーさんたちは、高級ホテルの伝統である 格式張った「赤い絨毯」の代わりに、さまざまなテキスタイルを自由に使い、同じファブリックでも斬新なデザインのカーペットを配置し、まったく違った印象を持つ空間をつくりました。総距離にして1000mにも渡るテキスタイルを使用し、まるでファッションモデルのように飾られた客室。ファッション科の学生たちをプロジェクトに組み入れ、さまざまな服飾技術を応用してアクセサリーをつくるように、感性的なアイデアをテキスタイルと空間に落とし込んでいきました。


After the lecture, a simple dialogue-based workshop was conducted where Ms. Oxenaar addressed each participant with questions. 
The first set of questions was: “How do you go to sleep?” “What is important for you to achieve a good sleep?” 
The participants’ response reflected their habits and preferences. “I sleep reading a book.” “I come home late at night so I sneak into the bed, to not wake up my partner.” “I leave the window open so I can enjoy having the cat coming from outside entering my duvet.” 
Ms. Oxenaar replied. “To think about sleep is a good starting point to consider ways to make a comfortable space. Hotel guests go through unfamiliar environments, before arriving at their guest rooms. They tend to be in a state of tenseness.”





The next question was: “What comes to your mind when you hear the phrase typically Japan?” And the last question followed: “Is there any building with a distinguishing character in the area of your residence?” After responding to the questions, and with a basis in what we had heard, we brainstormed a new hotel under the theme “what if we build a hotel in the Saga prefecture?”
Ms. Oxenaar continued: “when I start projects, I start with things we talked about at this workshop. If you start thinking from things close to you, you can be yourself.”




In the projects so far, Ms. Oxenaar reconstructed an old but unique building, and created unconventional but comfortable rooms. She finds inspiration by looking at characteristics of cultures and architecture that is all around us, which we take it for granted.


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