On 16 November, second day of phase 2, we had a workshop by Mr.Chris Palmieri and Mr. Craig Mod, the co-founders of "Hi," an application which you can make an article with a photo and text, related to a certain place. They talked about the concept and how to use the service to make a community in the city. Then, we took a walk around SHIBAURA HOUSE to make some articles with smartphones. After the walk, we had a discussion about things we found by the walk and how we can use these technologies to change the viewpoint and relation to the city.
11月16日は、クリス・パルミエリさんとクレイグ・モドによるワークショップを行いました。彼らは、ある場所に関する写真と文章を記事にできるアプリケーション“Hi”の共同制作者です。今回は、そのコンセプトと都市の中でのコミュニティ作りのサービスについて話してくれました。そして、参加者たちはスマートフォンで記事を作りながらSHIBAURA HOUSEの周辺を散策。その後、この間に見つけた事柄と、都市への視点と関わり方を変えるこの技術をどう使えるかについてディスカッションを行いました。
◎ about “Hi”
Mr. Palmieri is a designer and application maker. And Mr. Mod is an independent writer, designer and publisher. They launched the application “Hi” together.
At first, Mr. Mod told about the city. For example, Hatagaya at Shibuya, once there had been lovely streets. But recently, street lines, colors of light etc. were surgically changed, the warm place became the cold place.
If you have subjects to disinterest like this, you can get out of there. Now, everyone comes to use the useful interface, smartphone, so we can make it by it, you can push the society making small text quickly and connecting with the location.
Then, Mr. Mod told the story of 3.11. When he arrived at Tokyo On 11 March in 2011, no one told about the earthquake hit east Japan at Tokyo international airport. But looking at Twitter, he knew the disaster through friends’tweets. Timeline flew, and he thought, ”Where are all these tweets now? ” He already had written an essay on the hurricane Katrina hit on the southeast of the US and thought, it was incredible to give people platform to respond not only positive but also negative. Publishing magazine, it took too much time and costs. But now, technology developed, we get smartphone (or tablet-type device). This can bring together geography, photography and text. So here, “Hi” launched.
—4 month, 300,000words in 1,200 cities. These numbers were on top page of Hi.” As real time journalism, travelogue, archive and community, you can use variously. When you use “Hi,” take photos by your smartphone, and on your own account, post photos and describe the moment. Timelines are important, because we can easily search and retrieve from here. And it’s also important that the value of the archive, because there are unnecessary information around us. So, you can put a title, write a comment, and make the name of the group of articles as hashtag(#) on Twitter. When you read an article and want to get more information about it, push the button “tell me more.” Then, the writer will add story and you know more.
4ヶ月、300,000語、1,200の都市―これは、ある日の”Hi”のトップページで、サイト上にある期間、単語数、投稿された都市の数を示しています。リアルタイムのジャーナリズム、旅行記、アーカイヴ、そしてコミュニティとしても多彩な使い方ができます。“Hi”を使う時は、スマートフォンで写真を撮り、自分のアカウントから写真をアップしてその瞬間を言葉で描写します。タイムラインは重要で、ここから簡単に検索することができるからです。そしてアーカイヴする内容の価値も重要です、というのも我々の周りには不必要な情報も溢れているからです。そこで、タイトルをつけ、コメントを書き、ツイッター上のハッシュタグ(#)のように、ドキュメントに名前をつけてグループ化することができます。誰かのドキュメントを読んでもっと知りたいと思ったら、“tell me more”のボタンをクリックすれば、書き手は情報を加えてくれるでしょう。
◎ workshop
On the workshop, Mr. Palmieri researched around SHIBAURA HOUSE, and chose the Subject, “Bridges of Shibaura.” Participants went out, took photos from different angles to the subject with their smartphones, and posted photos and comments on “Hi.”
* You can see this Tokyo mapping from here.
続いてのワークショップでは、パルミエリさんが事前にSHIBAURA HOUSE周辺をリサーチし、芝浦埠頭やレインボーブリッジがあることなどから、”Bridges of Shibaura”にテーマを設定。参加者たちは外へ出て、スマートフォンで違うアングルや場所から橋を撮影し、”Hi”に写真とコメントをアップしていきました。
Came back to SHIBAURA HOUSE, participants discussed about the fieldwork. They realized different sides of the city.
Bridges of Shibaura had characters below,
-different names: Tujinofuda-bashi, Yachiyo-bashi, Shiosai-bashi etc.
-colors: blue, white, red, rainbow (especially, rainbow color was repeated.)
-details (decorations)
-futuristic tunnels
And they had some questions. What were big blue pipes with bridges? Which was first designed, island or canal? There were many pathways, when were they constructed? And they also looked people, realized this area has different communities. “Hi” gave participants realization on space and time.
SHIBAURA HOUSEへ戻った後、参加者はフィールドワークについてディスカッション。気づいたことが沢山あったようです。
また疑問点もあげられました。橋に付いている大きな青い管は何か? 土地と運河ではどちらが先にデザインされたのか? 通路が沢山あったがこれはいつ作られたのか?
Mr.Parmieri and Mr. Mod told, “Hi” can make projects to people share private topic with others, or make platform to be critical. And they also invited the website ”Neighborland,” this was an approach to take action they related with. They will continue to build bridges over a lot of chances.
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