10月5日、現在上海で活動する建築家Daan Roggeveenさんがワークショップを行いました。DaanさんはGO WESTプロジェクトを立ち上げ、都市についてのリサーチを行っています。今回は、クリティカルスタジオのプログラムに合わせ、ジャーナリスティックな語り口で例をあげながら、勃興する都市について紹介。参加者たちは、「東京で自分の家を建てる」というテーマのもと、プレセンテーションを行いました。
The lecturer Daan explained 3 examples.
1. Mr. Deng (Chongqing, in south-west China) —about 2nd class citizen
Mr. Deng had been in Shanghai as a painter, but moved to developing Chongqing. For sending money to their kids in their hometown, he lives with his wife, working busy in a restaurant 16 hours in a day and 7 days in a week in a floating village for workers making the city. They came here one and a half years ago, and will move to next city in the near future. The lecturer Daan said, “Urbanization moves the city and boundary of the city spreads. But people who moved cities are 2nd class citizen by city legislation. In China, 300 million people moved to cities in this 30 years. The speed of urbanization in China is as quickly as in Japan of 1960s. As the story of Mr.Deng, it’s important element that indivisual “small story” often tells “bigger story.” Read “bigger story” behind the information.”
1. Dengさんの場合(重慶市(中国南西部))— 一階層下の市民ということ
2. Mr. Sun (Shijiazhuang, in north china) —State stronger than indivisuals
Mr. Sun is 65 years old, a farmer. With rapid urbanization in China, he had sold the land, built an apartment building. Now he earns his living by not only rent for rooms, but also shops(in 2012, Starbucks Coffee). In China, a million farmers sell their lands, and build their houses per a year. So, emerged urban villages are high-dents and intermixed archipelago. “Rural village is urban cancer”—in recent years, Chinnese government leads more and more urbanization, high-rise residential buildings bristle.
2. Sunさんの場合 (石家荘市(中国北部)) —国家は個人に勝る
彼は65歳になる農民で すが、急速な都市化に伴い、農地を売ってビルを建てました。家族の部屋だけでなく店舗(昨年スターバックスが入った)、賃貸アパートなどがあり、これらを 運用して生計を建てています。Sunさんだけではなく、中国では毎年、およそ100万戸の農民が自分の土地を売って家を建てます。そして出来上がるアーバ ンヴィレッジの網目状の構造は群島のようで、人口密度が高く、車要らずの歩ける範囲に学校や商店のある、混ざり合った生活空間になります。「田舎の村は都 市の癌」と言われるように、近年では国家主導の都市化がさらに進み、高層ビルが林立するようになってきています。
3. Mrs.Akattsa (Nairobi, in south Kenya) —emancipation
Mrs.Akattsa is in her early 40’s and lives in Nairobi. She works on a Chinese construction company, built her house. She said,”You should buy your house. That makes you free.”
This is involved in African urbanization. In recent years, the Chinese exports their urban model to Africa. You can see Chinese residential models, high-rise apartment buildings and fine meshed urban fabric in Africa. The Chinese model can fit very well in Africa for security reason. And also we can see high-ways, railways and airports. Moreover, there’s a new approach of “soft power” media such as CCTV(China Central Television).
3. Akattsaさんの場合(ナイロビ、ケニヤ南部)—自由になるということ
In the second half, participants made presentation and discussion in the theme of ” building your own house in Tokyo.”
Mr. Nakayama focused on a café in Tsukishima. This café is at 1st floor of the 3 stories building, having been running for 25 years. The owner is an oil painter. He loves coffee, English antique furniture, and traveling, these tastes fills in his café. On opposite, Tsukishima has a lot of new, super-tall buildings. He invited the history of there. In 1892, landfilled, and in1950, heavy industry rised, in 1998, many houses were built, and in 2010, tower residences were constructed.
Daan asked about character of the owner and Tsukishima, and said, “Tsukishima is a quickly changing area. It’s more effective when you can show different scales between a small café and big buildings.”
Jullian said, “That’s interesting that one angle is changing area, and the other is owner’s taste. What’s changed in social situation? For example, there is a Japanese word ”Akogare”. This means that nostalgie for time and place. And there is another word as “Paris syndrome.” When the gap between reality and imagination is so big, people feel depression.”
Ms. Natadjaya focused on SHARE YARAICHO, a share house in Kagurazaka, Shinjuku. Its form is like a huge box, having the stairs in the center of the house, a kitchen, shower rooms, each inhabitants’ rooms and guest rooms. This is big enough to hold party. But it is divided into public or private space. Share house is popular for young people in recent Japan. This is one of the example.
The lecturer Daan asked about the rent, forms of households etc., and said “why share house is popular in Japan? --Because of economic reason. And it’s easy for foreigners to share houses.”
Ms. Boven said,” Yes, it’s easy for foreigners, and there are interactions. If zero interactions, it’s problem. We must find solution to socialize.
Natadjayaさんは、新宿・神楽坂にあるSHARE YARAICHOというシェアハウスに注目しました。外観は大きな箱のような形で、ジッパーを開けると中に入ることができます。家の中心には階段があり、キッチンやシャワールーム、各居住者の部屋、そしてゲストルームなどがあります。パーティーをするのに十分な大きさですが、プライベートとパブリックなスペースには区別があります。シェアハウスは近年日本の若者の間で人気があり、これはそのひとつの例と言えるでしょう。
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